The Do’s and Don’ts with Hearing Aids

The Do’s and Don’ts with Hearing Aids
3 min read

The Do’s and Don’ts with Hearing Aids

If you are one of the millions of people around the world who suffer from hearing loss, then this post is for you! After finding the right hearing aids there are a few essential steps to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. Read on to learn what you should and shouldn’t do with hearing aids.

Do Make Sure You Have a Good Fit

Make sure your hearing aids are properly fitted. If they are too big or too small, they won't work as well as they should. Most of the issues that people have with hearing aids (feedback, sound issues, whistling, background noise) are because the hearing aids don’t fit as they should and need to be readjusted.
Regular checkups and adjustments from your audiologist or hearing aid specialist can make sure that your hearing aids are properly tuned for your ears. Hearing aids can lose their proper fit with ear wax buildup or as the ear canal grows and changes in shape/size.

Do Practice with Your Hearing Aids

Practice using your hearing aids regularly. The more you use them, the better they will work with you and your daily routines. Remember to be patient. It may take some time to get used to hearing aids. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your audiologist.

Do Keep Your Hearing Aids Clean

The better you care of your hearing aids the better they will work for you. This includes making sure they are clean and free from dirt and debris. Hearing aids that are dirty can lead to ear infections, drainage, and poor performance. They also won’t last as long if you don’t keep them clean.
You can clean your hearing aids with a soft cloth and mild soap but avoid getting the hearing aids wet. Avoid cleaning your hearing aids with abrasive solutions like alcohol. Alcohol will reduce the lifespan and performance of your hearing aids. (Make sure to remove the batteries before cleaning your hearing aids.)

Don’t Expose Them to Steam or Water

Hearing aids should never be exposed to steam or water. This includes taking a shower with your hearing aids in. If they get wet, they may not work properly, and you may need to have them repaired or replaced.
If your hearing aids are exposed to moisture, consider having a drying container on hand to help dry them out.

Don’t Neglect the Batteries

It’s important to take care of your hearing aids’ batteries. They should be stored in a cool, dry place, and should not be exposed to extreme temperatures. When it's time to replace the batteries, make sure to follow the instructions in your hearing aid manual.
Also, if you have a rechargeable model, make sure you keep your hearing aids’ battery fully charged so you can awake with hearing aids that are ready to meet the day.

Don’t Keep Your Hearing Aids in When Styling Your Hair

It may seem like a harmless act, leaving your hearing aids in while you style your hair, but hair products (hair spray, gels) can accumulate on your hearing aids and cause buildup issues.
With these tips in mind, you can get the most out of your hearing aids and enjoy a better quality of life.
Need some help with a hearing aid adjustment or prescription? Contact Elite Hearing Centers today to get the help you need. Our friendly team can help educate you on hearing aids do’s and don’ts so you will be hearing at your best today and for years to come!

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